2022 AGM
One of RAAG’s purposes is to involve and represent the local community and their views on the safety and cleanliness of our river. Our AGM is the perfect chance to get involved, and to see what we are all about. Join us on the 31st May 2022 for a short evening meeting. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/raag-annual-review-tickets-310721054037
Mid Calder Development Petition
We are already seeing the water treatment plant in East Calder running at what seems to be full capacity, with spills/flows happening on the regular. If you can add your views to this local petition started by Lucy, we may just be able to keep another development at bay and protect the invaluable green space.…
Our #Stopthesewage Pledge Today we launch our #CleanRiverPledge In 2019, waste water treatment plants discharged untreated sewage 501 times totalling 572,577 cubic litres (that’s 230 olympic size swimming pools) of untreated sewage into the River Almond, and with it, sewage debris such as wet wipes and sanitary products. Raw sewage and sewage related debris is…